ProCo 217: Butter Us Up and Slip Away – Saw 5

Happy Snake Day! As is our burden once every year, we return to you having viewed the next unfortunate installment in the Saw franchise. Did we finally find a Saw movie we enjoy? Well… let’s just say we were happy to have the final few entries in the Apple Orchard Monster saga to talk about afterward as a palate clenser.

Zach want’s everyone in Saw to wear a nametag, Jared encourages deep breathing and clear thinking, and Adam tries (and fails) to correctly use a classic theatrical term.

Talking Points Include: We’ve Got Jump Scares, Our Snake Day Costumes, Saw Keeps Getting Worse, Rocky Bababooey, The Obligatory Kramer vs Kramer Joke, We’ve Got Mail, Apple Orchard Monster Ends

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