ProCo 241: I’m a Scientist, Not a Coze Boi! – The Guinness Game

Picture this. You’re feeling cozy. Like, REALLY cozy. Like, on the couch, wrapped up in a blanket, watching your favorite tv show on a cold day cozy. But you’re hungry. Like, REALLY hungry. Suddenly, the smell of chocolate chip pancakes wafts in from the other room. Are you getting up to eat those pancakes? Thats right, we know you are. And that’s why you’ll never beat Jared’s world record for coziest boy.

Zach is going for the world record in tv shows memorized, Jared is going for the world record in coziest boy, and Adam is going for the world record in Tetris using a drum set as a controller.

Talking Points Include: Carmella Creeper Joins The Family, Our Personal Cereal Monster Mash, World Record Flops, Believe It Or Not, Records We Can Break, The Cozyayashi Maru, Binge Scorping, Because I Ate A Hawk

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