A bit of blackjack advice to those who have enough sense to take it. Never split tens, always stand on a hard seventeen, and if the dealer turns The Left Leg of The Forbidden One SPRINT OUT OF THE BUILDING! Once Yu-Gi-Oh meets blackjack someone’s grandpa is going to the shadow realm, and these three hot pharaohs are taking that knowledge to the bank on Catch 21.
Zach pitches a way to battle with baseball cards, Jared once played the Harry Potter trading card game, and Adam knows way too much about Yu-Gi-Oh.
Talking Points Include: Custody of The Boy Wizard, Dudley’s Path, A Trivia Way of Life, The French Prince, Building The Forbidden One, an An Anime Lesson, Save the Grandpa Save the World, Fighting Baseball Cards, Zach’s Dream, Invoking Yu-Gi-Oh Rules, Handsome Spirit Pharaohs