Brackets Ep. 10: Red Rover Red Rover Send Pop Right Over

Brackets is back at you with not only two brand new Bracketologists, but also a new format! Because we continually want to optimize the way in which we alienate Catholicism make weed jokes about environmental proposals.

‘The High Foot Five’ vs ‘The Way She Goes’

‘CT-AAAAYYYY’ vs ‘That One Toenail’

‘Hella Burnt Espresso’ vs ‘40 Days of Lent-il Soup’

Featuring: Audie Deinlein, Kylie Bruteman, Jared Smith, Corinne Florentino, and Zach Decker

Host/Mixer/Editor: Adam Decker


Brackets Ep. 09: My Other Teacher Is Brown Sugar

With a combination of brand new Bracketologists with ones who have been with us from the start, a whole lot of hot takes are getting thrown around. For example, the term “Comic Sans” could have about five different interpretations. Also, if there is no risk of dying while playing laser tag then there’s no point. Oh. and for the love of God! Look me in the eyes when you come… into rooms that I am in!

‘Teaching an Old Frog New Tricks’ vs ‘Alan’s Beef’

‘Paula Abdul-Jabbar’ vs ‘The Dragon from Neverending Story’

‘Fornication Station’ vs ‘Parmesan Sheep’

Featuring: Miles Potter, Tim Lewis, Kevin Tognetti, Alex Goodman, and Zach Decker

Host/Editor: Adam Decker

Mixer: Jared Smith


Brackets Ep. 08: Batlover

Something we can all agree on; when there is a bat in your walls, the only logical next step is to seduce it. But when deciding on what form a reptilian Supreme Court Justice will take, our Bracketologists may never come to a consensus.

‘Kinda True Crime Stories’ vs ‘Little Richard’s Little Richard’’

‘Fronch Vanilla’ vs ‘An Ass Full of Coffee’

‘Ruth “Gator” Ginsberg’ vs ‘No Chestnuts Here, I’m Afraid’

Featuring: Sam Otter, Jenny McPherson, Kristi Durkin, Stephen Mackey, and Zach Decker

Host: Jared Smith

Mixer/Editor: Adam Decker


Brackets Ep. 07: Pigeons Need Love Too

We’re all just looking for love in this crazy world, right? So it doesn’t matter if you’re a pigeon, a grandma, or the Son of Poseidon, the important thing to remember is that we need to work together to determine whether or not Frankie Muniz is better than a bunch of cherry tomatoes.

‘This Tuba Is Too Big For My Son’ vs ‘Cream Of The Crop’

‘Peppa Pig’s Surprise’ vs ‘Alien Life In A Hot Tub’

‘Sneezing In A Halloween Mask’ vs ‘Rum In A Can Of Baked Beans’

Featuring: Caroline Hale, Jenny McPherson, Kristi Durkin, Lilly Bolduc, and Zach Decker

Host/Editor: Adam Decker

Mixer: Jared Smith


Brackets Ep. 06: Curvy Burt: Cheekin’ The Can – 2018 Holiday Special

Happy Holidays to you and yours! You thought you had already received your last present? Wrong! Brackets is coming at you with a Holiday Special and a Bracket specifically filled with Winter themed suggestions.

‘Tim Allen’s Magic Beard in the Santa Clause’ vs ‘Ho Ho Hop On BB’

‘Frosted Tip Snowmen’ vs ‘The Grinch Who Stole My Heart’

‘Just Some Socks’ vs ‘Santa Buddy’

Featuring: Alex Goodman, Jenny McPherson, Kevin Tognetti, Kylie Bruteman, and Zach Decker

Host: Jared Smith

Mixer/Editor: Adam Decker


Brackets Ep. 05: But What If We Were Dogs?

Is a deep deep cup of coffee plausible to drink from? Will the real Disney Slut please stand up? Can someone PLEASE just picture us all as dogs? Strong feelings about geese, vests, walnuts, and Cotton Eye Joe emerge with the clash of comedians in this weeks episode of Brackets!

‘The Goose is Cooked’ vs ‘A Menagerie of Ass’

‘Dogs Being Friends’ vs ‘Full Head Gear Braces’

‘Rent! The Movie’ vs ‘Kids Age 7-14’

Featuring: Sam Otter, Kristi Durkin, Stephen Mackey, Tim Lewis, and Zach Decker

Host/Editor: Adam Decker

Mixer: Jared Smith


Brackets Ep. 04: The Ever Growing Piglet

How looooong is the spoon is question? Is A Sexy Earthquake worth the risk? Will Piglet ever stop growing? These questions and more are hotly debated in this special (somewhat Thanksgiving themed) episode, featuring some of Brackets’ original players.

‘Sour Cream Shaving Cream’ vs ‘A Dancing Zombie’

‘An Actual Hand Turkey’ vs ‘An Ecstatic Mummy’

‘A Happy Hedgehog’ vs ‘Piglet, But Really Tall’

Featuring: Andrew Stewart, Daniel “Windmill” Miller, Abby Zielinski, David Vornholt, and Zach Decker

Host: Jared Smith

Mixer/Editor: Adam Decker


Brackets Ep. 03: Sex is Real, Santa is Not

Real life monsters? Dark secrets in childrens’ television programming? A surprise wedding?!?

With a new episode of Brackets always comes high tension and difficult decisions, and this episode is no different. Through the conflict, however, emerges fresh film ideas, love for our mothers, and a new power couple for the ages.

‘Jalapeno Puppets’ vs. ‘My Mother at 28’

‘Putting the Poo in Poodle’ vs. ‘Bobbing for Lobsters’

‘Timidly Dabbing’ vs. ‘Tetris, But Gay’

Featuring: Alex Goodman, Kristen Alesia, Margaret Howe, Will Cruitt, and Zach Decker

Host: Jared Smith

Mixer/Editor: Adam Decker


Brackets Ep. 02: The Binch in the Human’s Suit

Ruh-Roh: Brackets is BACK! While this episode isn’t necessarily Halloween-themed, it’s spooky in alllllllllll the right ways.

Betrayal! Boxed Wine! An incredible impression of Norville “Shaggy” Rogers!

So buckle up Binches, and brace yourself for the 2nd episode of Brackets!

Old Ladies vs. Party Clowns. Lotion vs. A Topless Bug. Oprah’s Book Club vs. Highlights: A Magazine for Kids.

Featuring: Eve Hickey, Alex Goodman, Will Cruitt, Kevin Tognetti, Zach Decker

Host: Adam Decker

Edited/Mixed by: Jared Smith


Brackets Ep. 01: Please Apologize to My Pumpkin Friend

Welcome to Brackets: A comedy debate podcast that only seems sports related so we can attract that demographic. A 32-seed bracket is filled with nonsensical ideas, and a group of 5 comedians must fight against each other to decide which one is best.

A Poison Boot vs. a Hostess Cupcake? A Gourd against a Tight, Tight Hat? There’s no logical way of deciding which one is better, but blood, tears, and booze will be spilt in order to decide a winner. So tune in, and find out which piece of nonsense wins the inaugural episode of Brackets!

Featuring: Kevin Togenetti, Alex Goodman, Jenny McPhearson, Zach Decker, Jared Smith

Host: Adam Decker